Hazen Chen's Taxidermy Arts



Generally speaking, time and space always stay in the opposite side of position. Meanwhile, we human beings keep trying to connect these two things in order to preserve our precious memories we had in the past. And, "animal specimen" is indeed a great way to keep it eternal and make the time frozen at that moment. In the process of time, we can really see the changes of "new" products become "old" stuff and it is the thing that matters. In this exhibition, my work focuses on the combinations of specimen and vintage stuff. By collaging and reorganizing, my work can literally coexist with time and space.


時間與空間對於我們而言,一直處於相對立場,但同時我們卻又不斷嘗試去保存過去存有過的記憶。其中,標本正是藉由各種方式去記錄一種永存,將時間的痕跡鎖住在某個當下。而在環境中成長的我們,會歷經一段段的變遷,記錄時代變遷的正是時代下的產物,從展新的發明洗練成為一件件老物件,在時間流動下,持續刻畫老舊與鈍化。 本次展出作品,著重在標本與老物件的結合,用一種視覺上是類比,本質上卻是對比的特殊關係,透過重組與拼貼的方式,去記錄著他們對時間與空間的共存。

Work Materials

  • - Bird

Creation Date

October, 2016

Work Status

For sale

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